Hidden Gluten

Shelley on May 28th, 2013

Have you heard that there may be gluten in your lipstick?  What?  I know!  Imagine how much you could ingest every day just from having it on your lips!  I used to use Estee Lauder’s brand of lipsticks and were happy with them (except when they discontinue a color I like!)  I’ve been seeing more and […]

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Chips – the savior carbohydrate for some people embarking on a gluten free diet.  They aren’t made with wheat flour … or are they? Most chips are made with corn or potatoes – all with different sorts of flavors such as nacho cheese, ranch style, sea salt, Maui sweet onion, etc. A little bit of […]

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  Christmas – a time for family and friends to get together and celebrate the birth of Christ.  It’s also time to hold up certain traditions like decorating a Christmas tree, putting up Christmas lights on the house, and baking Christmas cookies.  For the people that have to avoid gluten, whether they are celiac or […]

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Shelley on May 27th, 2012

Who would have thought?  More on hidden ingredients … So yesterday my husband and I were thinking about dinner and what we were going to make.  I said, “Let’s make enchiladas with that chicken we cooked up last night.  And can we use the green enchilada sauce like we did last time instead of using […]

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Shelley on April 24th, 2012

So I went to a restaurant last week with a friend and ordered a Caesar salad with chicken.  I advised them that I was gluten intolerant so no croutons.  I also asked if the chicken was marinated in anything and they told me that it was just plain chicken cooked on the grill.  So far […]

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Shelley on February 12th, 2012

What common condiment contains gluten? It still surprises people when I tell them. When I embarked on my gluten free diet, I had to start reading labels to see if gluten was hidden in some of the foods I was eating. I had heard that there were some foods that had ingredients like “natural flavors” […]

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